Payment methods

You can settle your payment through the following channels:
Payment in cash:
You can settle the payment in cash with your "Elderly Card" or invoice of our company in the following stores.

a) 7-ELEVEN Convenience Store{Click here for store addresses}

b) OK Convenience Store{Click here for store addresses}

c) China Resources Vanguard Shop/ Vango Convenience Store{Click here for store addresses}

Payment in banks:
You can settle the payment to our bank accounts as follows:

a) HSBC a/c:491-844601-838

b) Bank of China a/c:021-872-0-008274-0

(Please kindly send payment receipt bearing user’s full name, customer number and contact number to our Finance Department by fax, email or mail.)

Payment by Cheque
You can settle the payment by sending crossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Safety Services Association Limited” with user's full name, customer number on the back of the cheque to us by mail or in person.
Payment by Autopay
You can settle the payment by autopay. Please kindly hand in the autopay authorization form duly filled in and signed by you to our staff during installation of the Safety Alarm. Or you can download the " HKSSA Direct Debit Authorization Form" from our website and return it to your bank for processing.

Click here to download [HKSSA Direct Debit Authorization Form]

Phone Payment Service (PPS)
You can settle the payment via PPS dial-tone telephone number 18033 or PPS website . PPS Merchant code of HKSSA is [9931]. Please contact PPS hotline at 900 00 222 328 or us for details of PPS registration and execution of payment.
Payment via Internet Banking
You can settle the payment by online payment of your internet banking.
You can settle the payment by EPS at our customer service center with your ATM card.
Faster Payment System (FPS ID) : 8440224 (Hang Seng Bank).

Contact us through our 24-hour hotline or instant enquiry

Tel. 2429 6060

[ 24-hour service hotline ]

Instant Enquiry