Application for Hong Kong Safety Alarm channels

You can apply for Safety Alarm Service through the following channels:
Application by telephone
You can apply by calling our 24 hour hotline 2429 6060and our staff will assist you to complete the application procedure. For CSSA recipients, please kindly provide your CSSA number for processing.
Application via our website

You can apply by clicking xxx.

Application by fax
You can apply by sending the duly completed and signed application form to our fax 2429 932 for our immediate processing.
Application by e-mail
You can apply by sending the application form to
Download registration form

PDF format(129 KB), After completing the registration form, fax to:2429 9321

* Please kindly adhere to「HKSSA」 Privacy Policy when you fill in the application from.
Application for HKSSA Safety Alarm

You can apply by calling our 24 hour hotline:2420 6060

You can apply by sending the duly completed and signed application form downloaded from our website to our fax 2429 932 or for immediate processing.

Installation of the Safety Alarm

Our technician will install the Safety Alarm at the venue, date and time designated by your.

Accomplishment of installation

Safety Alarm service is in place immediately after installation.

Registration Processing:

We will set installation schedule upon receipt of your application for the service. Our technician will install the Safety Alarm according to the schedule. The service will be in place immediately after installation.

Service Procedure

Contact us through our 24-hour hotline or instant enquiry

Tel. 2429 6060

[ 24-hour service hotline ]

Instant Enquiry