Weather Change Alert Service

(Remind elderly to pay attention to weather change)

Traffic condition enquiry service


Free Enquiry on government latest updates


Community Information Enquiry Service

(the elderly can obtain useful information about his daily-living)

Convenient Payment- Payment by Phone Service (PPS)


Your family members Pick-up Service


Convenient 1083 Service


Caring Shops in Hong Kong


Caring Supermarket


Transport arrangements and pick-up of services


Free information about elderly home


Home physical examination referral service


Domestic helper referral service


Furniture & healthcare referral services


Consultation service for purchase of medical device


Free enquiries on the benefits and welfare provided to the elderly by the Government


Free enquiries on sanatoriums (Hong Kong \ Mainland)


Outpatient Reservation Service


Professional Outpatient Escort Service


Medication reminder service


Out-patient consultation reminder service


Emotional Counseling Service (for peace of mind of the elderly)


Funeral Deed


Hospice service


Contact us through our 24-hour hotline or instant enquiry

Tel. 2429 6060

[ 24-hour service hotline ]

Instant Enquiry