Our service

Our Safety Alarm Services

By pressing the red button on the Safety Alarm, our officers in the 24-hour customer service center will provide the following assistance and support to the elderly.

1、24 hours emergency support service

2、Appointment reminder service (e.g. Out-patient reservation & reminder)

3、Weather change alert service (reminding the elderly to prepare for the bad weather)

4、Community activity enquiry (providing information about activities in the community for the elderly)

5、Emotion counseling services (a platform for elderly to share their feelings)

6、Information for daily life service

About Us

We provide support and services to people in different stages of their life.

Since the establishment in 2009, HKSSA is dedicated to providing a variety of support services to ensure that the needs of the people (especially the elderly) in our community are met. Recently, the issue of aging population, singleton and household accidents of both children and the elderly have come to the attention of the public. The Safety Alarm Service of HKSSA is an effective solution to mitigate the situation and the unfortune incidents. The services of HKSSA can improve the living quality of those in need.

Activity Info

Contact us through our 24-hour hotline or instant enquiry

Tel. 2429 6060

[ 24-hour service hotline ]

Instant Enquiry